Scoville Mfg.
Scoville Mfg. New York 5x8'' Stereo Camera with Brass Waterbury Lenses V29
$899.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Blair Camera Co Folding Stereo Weno with Rapid Rectilinear Lens Antique V25
$499.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Franke & Heidecke
Rollei Heidoscop 3D Stereo Plate Camera 45x107mm AS-IS for Parts or Repair V20
$199.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Jules Carpentier
Jules Carpentier Photo Jumelle Monocular Camera 12 6.5x9cm Views RARE V2115
$224.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Jules Carpentier
Jules Carpentier Photo Jumelle Monocular Camera 12 4.5x6cm Views RARE V25
$249.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Vredeborch 1951 Nordetta 3D Stereo 127 Roll Film Camera Vintage RARE V23
$249.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Brevets Bazin et Leroy
Brevets Bazin et Leroy Le Stereocycle 6x13cm Plate Stereo Camera 1890 AS-IS V26
$174.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Leullier Louis
Leullier Louis Summum Special 6x13 cm Plate Stereo Camera Antique 1925 V20
$425.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
2 Elge Glass Plate Film Holders for Gaumont Stereo Camera 6 x 13cm Very RARE V17
$89.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Nil Melior
Macris-Boucher Nil Melior Stereo Jumelle Camera 6x13cm Plate Saphir Lens V11
$399.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
J Richard Verascope 6B Stereo Camera The City Sale & Exchange London RARE V10
$949.991 in stockAdd to Cart -
Demaria Lapierre
DL Demaria Lapierre Capsa Jumelle Stereo Camera 45 x 107 Plate Antique RARE V12
$399.991 in stockAdd to Cart